Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 09.00 PM


Offshore Dedicated Staffing Services

CA dedicated offshore software development team is the best approach for clients that have projects that are critical in time, scope, technical or intellectual property considerations.

Career Soft Solutions serves you with the ability to have quality IT resources offshore working for your organization like an extension of your in-house teams using

Using Career Soft Solutions’s World Class infrastructure and office facility in India

Replication of production environment

Using secure internet technologies, encryption, and virtual private networks to enable offshore staff to directly work on the systems in your office

Use of web-based tools to manage projects, tasks, and documents between your managers and offshore team members

Offshore team members from Career Soft Solutions conduct themselves as if they were your employees, and adopt your corporate culture, values and goals

Career Soft Solutions can support your needs in a variety of different areas and technical specialties, including:

Software/Product Development

Product Reengineering

Database Design and Administration

Network Engineering and Administration

Project Management

System Analysis

Testing and Quality Assurance

Technical Support

Web Development and Design

Technical Writing

Our offshore team members hold at minimum bachelor degrees in computer science (most have Masters degree) which insures a high threshold of technical competency and language skills. We keep close relationships with the world-renowned software engineer education centers – like IIT, which provides us an abundant source of highly-skilled software engineers to ensure the high quality of our offshore staffing services.

How we do it?

According to your request, we will provide the resumes of engineers who possess the relevant technologies and skill sets you require. This process will best meet your pre-defined criteria and can be additionally interviewed by you before launching new projects.

Our competitive pricing is quoted on monthly rate for engineers according to the technical level, programming expertise required, and the project scope.

At the commencement of new strategic partnerships, when the service begins, we can communicate directly by email, instant messenger, or telephone, so that the offshore team members can respond promptly working in conjunction with your team.

You can control the progress of the offshore team by web-based project management tools. We can submit daily or weekly progress reports tailored to customer needs.

We allow you to build your offshore facilities one cubicle at a time – you can always add or reduce staff.

As a turn-key solution we provide facilities, human resources, recruitment, payroll, and inclusive services for all offshore team members.

With VOIP, Email and Instant messenger you will be able to communicate with your team effectively

We also have a Guest House close to the development center for executives or members of Client teams visiting India for extended period.