Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 09.00 PM


Our Services


Career Soft Solutions conducts ASP.Net Training, VB.Net Training, C#.Net Training for Microsoft .Net Certification Courses designed and recommended by Microsoft Corp. for professionals who want to keep themselves abreast of the Software Development industry and acquire industry-relevant skill sets. The chief differentiating factor of our training is the level of knowledge we impart in the .NET training program. This is reflected in the way our programmers and students code and develop applications.

Our online.NET training course contains the following topics

.NET Framework 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010

C# Logical Programming


Windows Application Development

ASP .NET – Web Application Development

ASP .NET – Websites and Dynamic Website creation

ADO .NET Data Access

Latest Entity Framework Data Access

Latest Architectures

Windows Presentation Foundation

Dynamic Rules Authoring in WF

Windows Communication Foundation

Silver light Application Development


Web 2.0

Universal Design


SQL Server 2008

SQL Server 2008 Express


Guidance on writing Microsoft Exams to earn Microsoft Certificate of Excellence

Training in .NET technologies through our company ensures:

Getting trained by industry experts and professionals on all the latest .NET technologies

Live Application Environment with real time projects

Access to corporate infrastructure and latest technologies

Detailed and well-researched course curriculum

ASP Hands-on training with access to 24×7 lab availability

Exposure to industry standard Software Development Life Cycle

ADO Skilled candidates will get the chance to work with our Development team

Placement Assistance facilitated by our huge networking groups

Assistance to prepare for the certification exams

Reasonable fee structure