Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 09.00 PM



Public and private sector organizations are increasingly reliant on their applications to deliver superior service to customers and citizens—and ultimately attain high performance. When it comes to developing new applications or maintaining existing ones, the stakes are correspondingly high. Organizations need to know how soon an application will deliver value, how stable it will be and that its maintenance costs will be minimized while changes are made quickly.

We can help clients improve their return on IT spend:

We drive measurable improvements in product quality, reducing defect density by up to 65 percent; increase development productivity by up to 30 percent; and deliver on-time and on-budget up to 90 percent of the time.

We improve productivity by up to 45 percent while reducing costs by as much as 50 percent.

We help realize 99 percent or more application availability, 70 percent reduction in trouble tickets and up to 100 percent efficiency in processing backlogs.

Maintain and modernize business-critical mainframe applications

Most mainframe applications were developed more than 20 years ago. In today’s real-time business environment, that can make them complex and expensive to maintain. These problems are compounded by lack of up-to-date documentation and the attrition of knowledgeable engineers.

Mindtree application development and support services help you maintain your business-critical mainframe applications and replace legacy applications. We’re experienced at handling mainframe costs, change requests, cost pressures, and lack of support for niche technologies and packaged solutions.

Our comprehensive services address inadequate quality, and eliminate factors that degrade application structure, code quality and efficiency. We also clean up dead components and unusable code that accumulates when organizations lack funding for periodic cleanup and optimization. We use home-grown and partner toolsets to optimize inventory and MIPS utilization.